Due to the rising popularity of smartphones, it is not uncommon to spot drivers texting on their iPhones, making calls on their Blackberries or looking up directions on their Android phones. One of the major concerns arising from cell phone use on the road is texting and driving. Federal studies have shown that 11% of
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Although the holiday season is coming to a close, the winter weather season has just begun. Unfortunately for car drivers, a simple storm involving snow, rain or sleet can severely impact weather and driving conditions and lead to possible NY car accidents. Although many drivers recognize the dangers associated with inclement weather and driving conditions,
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A few months ago, the New York Times posted an article about New York’s longstanding Scaffold Law. Enacted in the 1880s to safeguard construction site workers from injuries during the advent of skyscraper construction, NY’s scaffold safety law places the burden of responsibility on contractors and construction companies to ensure that scaffolds, hoists and other
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Given New York City steady construction activity, cranes have become a common sight on NYC’s visual landscape. In fact, according to U.S. Census records from 2012, nearly 27,000 new building permits were issued for new construction projects in the New York City metro area! Unfortunately, cranes are among the riskiest pieces of construction industry machinery
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